Just about everyone hates the numb feeling after a dental filling or extraction.  So do we!  And until now, it has been a necessary part of a comfortable dental appointment.  Which is why Drs. Dwyer, Harling and Wolbach are so excited to tell our patients that we have a new way to numb teeth.  It doesn’t leave the lip, cheek or tongue feeling funny for another 3-4 hours after the appointment.  That’s right, no more numb feeling!

The Soan Injection Pen from NuSmile Tech, which looks more like a thermometer than a syringe, delivers local anesthesia to the teeth in a much more comfortable manner.  Patients can be comfortably numbed in less than half the time of the traditional techniques.   While the teeth and gums are comfortably numb, the lip, tongue and cheek retain normal sensation during and after the appointment.  Patients only feel a slightly different sensation when they bite.   Kids can return to school or their after school activities almost immediately!

In other words, patients are MUCH more comfortable during the numbing procedure (no more pinch!) and are in the dental chair for less time, a welcome change for our more anxious and busy patients!  Recovery time is much faster, so patients can return to their daily activities feeling like themselves!